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Dick and Jane Song of the Week: Brave

Written by: Cece, Chethana

Produced by: Andy Gallagher


Perhaps one night 
Looking up at the stars 
And the glow of the moon 
Just me and the night 

Maybe somewhere 
Somewhere else in the world 
Another dreamer is gazing 
At the same stars 

So many Doors 
Each one distinct 
So many Paths 
All so diverse 
Some rugged 
Some smooth 
Some twisted 
Some short 
Some long and 
Some are curved 
Some are just unswerving 
Be Brave! 

I can make my own path 
Carve my own fate in stone 
Not to live out your life 
but to live my own 

I am just a TEEN 
But I can do it 

Hello people my name is Stacy 
Sorry I am late, I am just a little lazy 
I see a guy right across from me 

But he is also shy and nervous 
But i think we can talk together 
About our problems here in school 

I am just a teen 
And I can choose


released 01 May 2015