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Give to WCBE & Promote Your Business!

Making a donation to WCBE's Spring Fund Drive at our Business, Personal/Nonprofit or MultiMedia level is a great way to promote your business, or send out a personal message over our airwaves, AND support central Ohio's NPR station!
WCBE Day Sponsorships are designed as an introduction to underwriting - public radio's version of advertising. 

Underwriting allows a business to support the mission of WCBE while reaching a highly desirable audience with a message about the company. Listeners who donate $300+ receive seven on-air announcements intermittently during our programming schedule. 

There are 3 different types of Day Sponsorships:

MultiMedia Sponsorship ($500):
Premium: 300 x 250 web banner ad & 5 mentions on the business day of your choice. 
On-Air Value: $800
Fair Market Value: $0

Business Day Sponsorship ($365):
Premium: Seven on-air announcements on the business day of your choice.
On-Air Value: $420+
Fair Market Value: $0

Personal or Non-profit Day Sponsorship ($300):
Premium: Seven on-air announcements on the day of your choice.
On-Air Value: $420+
Fair Market Value: $0

Certain conditions apply. Please visit our Day Sponsorships page for full details. Any questions regarding WCBE's Day Sponsorship Program should be directed to our Membership Dept at 614-365-5555 or emailed